Just for old times' sake:
*dances the:
"This is the world, the world where I live,
And every day people give all they can give,
And though we may be most contemplative,
We can't figure out this darn world where we live.
It's just dust and ashes once you look real close,
And much less than that if you're feeling verbose,
But we take what life gives us, every last dose,
And somehow it's magic ... once you look real close.
We all get together on this wonderful site,
Great people all over, to my left and my right,
In our voice lies the world, in our eyes hides the light,
And I can't get enough of this wonderful site.
This jig-dancing contest is just one example
Of all the great things that exist, wide and ample,
On this site of all sites where we frollic and trample,
And boy is it tough to rhyme words with 'example.'
And to close this jig off, I guess I wanted to say
That I'm grateful for all my friends - hooray!
And to end this strange jig in a beautiful way,
There's just one more thing that I wanted to say.
Come what may, come what will,
Come what does, yet it comes still.
I'll be back in the fall, for good or for ill ...
Come what may ... come what will."
How sweet is that?
Warder to starry_nite
One day.
May I suggest:
one two three four five six nine and ten
money can't buy you back the love that you had then