I completely agree with every single one of the things you said, except for one:
To all of you who have never been forced to breathe air so polluted you can't see through it, yet gripe and complain about the environmental standards of the country that provides that air, shut the hell up.
"the country that provides that air"? Since when is it anything about my country that provides the air for me? As far as I know, the air is there whether there's a country there or not. The air is free, and is made by no one, and thus no one, no country, provides it. And you must admit that, though the air quality could be worse, with a little effort it could also be better. Not that I'm complaining or anything. I live in Canada, and in the countryside.
Warder to starry_nite
One day.
May I suggest:
one two three four five six nine and ten
money can't buy you back the love that you had then