eat when I was a kid. What the heck is this? I woke up this morning excpecting to jump out of bed all happy and sugary sweet like I always do and VOILA I wake up an ogre woman! Everything was irritating, why I didn't even have to look at the message board to know that all kinds of idiots were making inane posts that set my teeth on edge. I walked through the house grumbling, growling and wondering what in the world was wrong.
Then I log on to the message board and read this tripe and it hits me. Nature abhors a vaccuum. Fanatic had joined the sickeningly sweet and I had been compelled to fill his old spot. Hmmmm. Who should I flame....who will be my first hapless victim?
Ya know I am not so good at this bad guy sure you don't want to trade places and I can go back to being nice and sweet and you can do what you do best? Although I have to admit you do "Sickeningly Sweet" rather well for a newbie at it.