In my daily wanderings through out wotmania, I happened upon the Q & A section. 'What a wonderful place!' I thought to myself and I sat down and read about all the delightful wotmaniacs that were on there. I never knew that Paradox Bain had a foot fetish, and edge loved to cross dress on weekends.
But alas.. there's a problem! The maintainer person thingamabobber lady isn't mentioned! Wouldn't you love to hear about Kitara? Well, I certainly thought so. So, I took it upon myself to NB Kit and explain that the public wants to know what makes Kit tick! I even offered to come up with several poignant questions for her to answer so it didn't seem like she was talking to herself. Aren't I an angel?
Well, long story short, she told me that I was stupid and that I was wasting her valuable chat time. I of course cried, and plotted ways to exact my revenge on Kit.. or something.
The point of this post? Oh, yes. I'm starting a petition here to make Kit do a little Q & A on herself, with me asking the questions. What do you guys think? I think it's a lovely idea.
Oh, any ideas for questions are of course welcome.
Harsh world be damned,
let's make a stand...
Saknar Korybjörnen™