...would know ALL about this.
That is exactly what Bush will strive for.
So, you know exactly how high his intelligence is based on the fact that he's not a very good public speaker. And what would you know about being properly voted in? Are you referring to the fact that he didn't win the popular vote? If so, that's happened before. It DOESN'T matter. It's the way the elections work and I happen to like the electoral college system. Or, are you referring to the fiasco in Florida? If Gore really wanted all the votes counted (and, remember, the recount he so adamantly demanded was already showing that he wasn't going to win Florida), we could've counted California's absentee ballots that weren't counted because there were only roughly 2 million of them and Gore won California by more than that.
Well, then there's no point in me continuing since you've made up your mind.
If It Makes You Happy
Frankly, I don't know why anybody listens to actors about anything other than acting. Since when does the ability to fake emotions on cue like a sociopath make one an expert on anything?