I suddenly understand so much about you then. Maybe if you used padding, you wouldn't have nearly as much brain damage and you wouldn't have posted something as silly as this argument is.
{QUOTEQUOTE}Do Americans decide to go down the park for a quick game of
Actually we do. There are always people at the park by my house playing football. One of the things my husband misses the most about living up north is being able to play football in the snow. So please, don't generalize all Americans into one blanket statement.
yup, its like that here in tennessee too, football all the time. as for the snow.... *shivers* please, no more.
Not true. I find soccer (European football) quite dull. I do agree that it takes a great athlete to play. The sport requires extreme endurance and stamina, but it's boring. The only reason I would watch a game is to look at the men in those cute little shorts. But I can do that while watching American Football and watching all those tight ends (the position, not the bums)
it is dull to me too. its more than anything just running around. american football is both physical and mental. its immensely enjoyable to watch.
as for the idea of athletic men in cute little shorts... *sighs dreamily*
I don't think that Americans claim that American football is better. We just like the bashing and I think that a lot of people enjoy the strategy that is involved. I personally enjoy Football because for me, it is constant excitement. I don't think that our sport is better than yours, just more exciting.
good points, you saved me from having to reply to the original post.
If It Makes You Happy
Frankly, I don't know why anybody listens to actors about anything other than acting. Since when does the ability to fake emotions on cue like a sociopath make one an expert on anything?