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Re: ah yea, Soccer. snoopster - 29/01/2003 10:20:16 AM

When was the last time you heard of someone breaking thier hip while playing rugby? Sapp from Tampa Bay hit a Green Bay lineman above the waist and broke the Packer's hip. Donald Driver seperatted his shoulder earlier in the season, and from catching a pass from Bret Favre, his shoulder was reseperatted. Pads are used to minimize injuries and to prevent death.

Can't think of hip injuries but you get a fair amount of injuries in rugby none the less - broken bones aplenty, and there have been a few broken necks in the history of the sport

I'd have to say hunting would be "The True Sport of Kings." Or maybe wenching.....

It's horse racing that's known as the sport of kings in England, but both prince harry and william are football (not American Football!) fans so you could justify calling it the game of future kings?

Um... huh? Have you ever been to the states? It's the single most beloved game in the midwest. I grew up on football. I used to hate watching the televised games because I wanted to play. My first game was when I was six. We played football durring recess. Granted tag, but the sisters would have killed us if we had been tackleing each other on asphault. Every day for 8 years we played football. I got into high school and joined the football team. My friends and I still get together atleast six times a year to play football even though we live in six different states and three of our number our stationed over seas in the military.

I think the point is that all you need to play a game of football is a ball and more than about 5 people

Um.. yea, you see, soccer and football were evolving at the same time from the same game in the states. The games were actually interchangable for a long time. It wasn't until Purdue standarized the rules for football and another group standarized the rules for association football that there grew to be a need for seperate names for the same game. With different rules there came to be needed different names, so association football was bastardized to soccer.

Similar in England, but became rugby and football

{QUOTE}My main problem with soccer was the fact that you weren't really allowed to hit anyone. If you do, there are these things called "cards." QUOTE}

Take up boxing then

John Maynard Keynes Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone

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Give us back our sport!! ... And that means now! - 29/01/2003 04:57:46 AM 260 Views
Aye! Couldn't agree with you more *NM* - 29/01/2003 05:05:25 AM 4 Views
ah yea, Soccer. - 29/01/2003 05:34:04 AM 34 Views
Re: ah yea, Soccer. - 29/01/2003 10:08:03 AM 19 Views
Re: ah yea, Soccer. - 29/01/2003 10:20:16 AM 17 Views
Re: ah yea, Soccer. - 29/01/2003 04:59:49 PM 14 Views
Re: ah yea, Soccer. - 30/01/2003 05:34:20 AM 5 Views
I'm with you on this *NM* - 29/01/2003 06:43:49 AM 4 Views
Sure, heres whats attractive about it - 29/01/2003 06:58:46 AM 29 Views
Heathen - 29/01/2003 07:55:15 AM 16 Views
Keep your sport, we don't want it. - 29/01/2003 08:18:53 AM 23 Views
"men in those cute little shorts" indeed - 29/01/2003 11:12:33 AM 12 Views
Nah, it's less exciting *NM* - 29/01/2003 11:21:47 AM 3 Views
First of all... - 29/01/2003 08:46:40 AM 31 Views
Re: Dude - 29/01/2003 08:53:10 AM 29 Views
Pardon. I thought when he said "real football"... - 29/01/2003 09:18:40 AM 27 Views
Eh, I like both - 29/01/2003 09:16:30 AM 14 Views
meh - 30/01/2003 05:34:15 AM 7 Views
*NM* - 30/01/2003 08:26:06 AM 2 Views
Having played both sports... - 29/01/2003 10:16:20 AM 21 Views
Having watched them both in my youth... - 29/01/2003 10:27:03 AM 20 Views
Hurling is way to violent - you have to be mad (nothing personal) *NM* - 29/01/2003 10:38:51 AM 8 Views
I just get these headaches.... *NM* - 29/01/2003 11:25:05 AM 3 Views
Could there be a connection? *NM* - 29/01/2003 12:06:43 PM 2 Views
I've got one for you... - 29/01/2003 10:42:41 AM 21 Views
Ah, The sport of Maids - 29/01/2003 11:12:00 AM 10 Views
Yeah...Hockey (typical Canadian response) - 29/01/2003 10:58:54 AM 11 Views
Woo! *does the Canuck dance* - 29/01/2003 11:08:16 AM 7 Views
*also does the Canuck dance*.... - 29/01/2003 11:14:17 AM 7 Views
You two are scaring me *NM* - 29/01/2003 11:19:59 AM 5 Views
Re: You two are scaring me - 29/01/2003 11:23:19 AM 7 Views
They both Suck but isn't this the wrong comparison? - 29/01/2003 10:53:14 AM 22 Views
Very nice post, my friend. - 29/01/2003 11:17:17 AM 12 Views
Sis boom bah! *shakes pompoms* Yaaaaaaay HOCKEY! *NM* - 29/01/2003 11:20:42 AM 4 Views
Yep. - 29/01/2003 11:06:51 AM 8 Views
"Intellingent" you are - 29/01/2003 11:12:31 AM 24 Views
Some prefer one, some the other. - 29/01/2003 11:36:28 AM 16 Views
Go Canucks and Wild... - 29/01/2003 11:49:32 AM 9 Views
That was a good game. - 29/01/2003 11:59:20 AM 6 Views
Yeah! what he said! *shakes pompoms* Yaaaay team! *NM* - 29/01/2003 11:59:00 AM 3 Views
It's the violence aspect. - 29/01/2003 01:08:07 PM 11 Views
Give blood play soccer - 29/01/2003 02:54:47 PM 8 Views
Been there. - 29/01/2003 08:43:31 PM 8 Views
An american who loves Real Football - 29/01/2003 01:36:27 PM 15 Views
I thought the Game of Kings was Chess? *NM* - 29/01/2003 09:11:26 PM 4 Views
And pollo, and horse racing... - 30/01/2003 09:36:46 AM 6 Views
Re: And pollo, and horse racing... - 30/01/2003 10:04:58 AM 4 Views
ADD = Attention Deficit Disorder. *NM* - 30/01/2003 04:09:54 PM 2 Views