No! A thousand times no! Oh wait ... that was just for the ladies. Oops. Silly me.
You can't go wrong with mobil mart sandwiches. Yum yum!
6 feet 3 inches, or for you silly people with your "metric system" I'm 190.5 cm.
Last time I had a physical I was 250 pounds, not doing the metric conversion again, sorry I don't know it off the top of my head.
...that doesn't mean that I measure everything with the metric system
I just turned 19 on Sunday.
It isn't so much the colour, as just the feeling from looking into them. Like, the way they catch the light and other intangibles. It's hard to really say, but when I see pretty eyes, I just know it.
I know what you mean. But you've got to have a preference. Like... light or dark?
My brain has been swiss cheesed like Scott Bakula's on Quantum Leap