doesnt mean you need to belittle Football.
Now before you start, I want you to know I am an ardent anglophile. That having been said.
American football grew from the college level where it was played in the early part of the 20th century. It quickly gained an audience.
American football and World football each have their benefits and I think part of enjoying it comes from the culture one is brought up with. It is a relative matter, why bash one sport or a people who play it?
That having been said, I would like to point out that I love baseball. I think it is the greatest sport out there. This comes from having played it when younger.
Also to mrfarstrider up there, since i really dont feel like responding again in here, soccer is now the most widely played sport in the united states.
suv driving mothers are called soccer moms for a reason.
Soccer is more popular than baseball or football among kids in the us.
thank you.