Appreciating its value is nice. Unfortunately, it is not in our everyday lives. The vast majority of Americans don't know art, architecture, history or language. They know fast food, modernist architecture (even tho they don't know what they are looking at), trailer parks, sitcoms and whatever is in the National Enquirer.
I simply have to disagree with you here. For reasons that have been stated both in my previous posts and in the posts of others in this thread. My this has gotten repetitive.
I am doing no such thing. Stereotypes, as politically incorrect as this may sound, are generally based on truth. And stereotypes are what the opinions of those who dislike Americans are based upon.
Stereotypes are based on a percieved notion of the truth, regardless of what the truth may or may not be.... And, as everyone knows, opinions are like assholes - everyone's got one.
While there are good Americans, I believe that even those here who complain about Americans have friends among us, the vast majority are slovenly and ignorant.
Since this is nothing more than your opinion, see my previous comment.
Since I see no other point to this post than your need to continue to be antagonistic, I see no reason in continuing this thread. Reply if you will, but I won't be responding.
See yah on MSN.
Bonded to Kory - always
Your grief is mine, and mine may tear the fabric of the soul apart.
First Penguin to Missa Sedai
Wife to MGB
the beaten eggs to Maddy's oil