Owning art is not necessarily appreciating it. Just because there is art in this country, does not mean we are a country of art lovers. That is simply not true.
If we were a country devoid of people who appreciated art and understood it's value then we simply wouldn't have a place for it in our society at all. The fact that there is so much of it in our everyday lives means that saying Americans do not appreciate art is simply untrue.
I'm not shifting all the blame, simply answering the question of why do so many non-Americans hate Americans. It is because there are so many of them who deserve it. Not all of them, but too many.
You are doing nothing but reinforcing negative stereotypes.
I am not blaming the good ones. I am explaining that the image of Americans is driven by the loud, obnoxious "ugly Americans" that travel.
And it's people like you that focus on the few bad tourists while ignoring the huge majority of good tourists that allow that ugly image of Americans to remain prevalent.
Bonded to Kory - always
Your grief is mine, and mine may tear the fabric of the soul apart.
First Penguin to Missa Sedai
Wife to MGB
the beaten eggs to Maddy's oil