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Re: America furiousgeorge - 29/01/2003 01:38:22 AM

Wow, quite the response to my post. I know I sounded really negative and harsh, but I thought that it was clear that I was only expressing the way I see things. You are welcome to think otherwise, I only asked that you at least consider what I said. Rather than respond to each individual post, I will try to cover them all here, starting with Mashy, who said:

"Shut the **** up. I'm tired of hearing about how ***king doomed the ***king world is, and I'm tired of not being able to do anything about it (insert your impassioned reply about how everyone can make a difference (!)), so I don't care any more. I'm very weary of all issues, and all concerns. It won't matter in my lifetime in any case, as I plan to die young and bitter."

Well, mashy, I would encourage you to ignore my original post, we are obviously on such different levels that there can be no communication between us. Enjoy your weariness, and bitterness, I'm sorry your life is such a useless and meaningless existence. And you know what, I warned those who were not interested in my view on the issue to not read the post, yet you obvioulsy chose to, despite your apparent surrender to the fate of the world. Go be a ***king cowardly quitter and a worthless piece of crap, I don't really care. If you really wanted to do something you should listen to me, all I'm suggesting is a change in attitude, why is that so offensive to you? Chill out.

Chorabliss, you didn't read my post very carefully, but here goes...the fact that it was so negative was the point, sometimes the negative has to be pointed out; I am upset with people who pretend that America is ONLY great and beneficial to the world. If you disagree, fine, but my post was intentionally negative. Also, I acknowledged that everyone in the world is wasteful, but focused on Americans because they are the most wasteful, and choose to see themselves as leaders of the free world - if they want to say this, they have to take responsibility for the wasteful nature of most of the world's cultures. They can't be leaders in only the positive aspects and ignore the negative ones. You call me ignorant, say I only focus on the negative? Well you're right, there is positive in the world, but it is too little too late in my opinion. Believe otherwise if you want, that is the problem. People are content to believe that things will be OK, simply because it is depressing to think otherwise. If you want to fool yourself, fine, don't listen to me.

Trigger, what luxuries do I dismiss? I only suggest that the luxuries people have now may have unintended consequences in the future - If you care at all about what future generations will have to deal with you must consider this, if you don't, then I guess just keep on enjoying the luxuries, theres little I can do about it. Also, I never suggested you were handed anything on a silver platter, you are twising my words and argument into something else entirely.

Nightwalker, isn't what I did exactly what you said? I wasn't attempting to scare anyone, just presenting things as I see them, I understand they are extreme compared to most people, but it is truly as I see things, I am not exaggerating them for effect.

Paradox Bain, you don't read very carefully. I said that for a long time I was unaware of all these things and unknowingly took part in all the stuff I decried. That is the point of my post genius, I eventually realized what I was doing and am trying to change, and also help others to change. I have news for you, you don't need 99% percent of the crap you consume, and certainly not at the rate with which you do so ( if you are minimalist in anyway, I apologize, but if you are like most Americans at all, then this is accurate). I am 22, great detective work; I never said the planet is dying, only that we will eventually kill most of the life on it, and although it eventually will regrow new life we will be long gone as a species, as will most others who share the planet with us now. The fact that you don't care what others think of Americans is pretty f**king stupid, that is one of the reasons we are targets for terrorists. Not that they are justified, of course, but such arrogance as that tends to engender hate, so keep it up tough guy. "By then, maybe that generation will have figured out how to save the Earth." Keep up this hope, it is a cowardly and lazy belief. What if things only get worse, and then that generation to which you refer holds this same belief, that someone in the future will clean things up? Eventually someone has to take responsibility and actually act, why not us? "Hehe, guess what? Someday, you, my friend, are going to be one of those Ameicans that you detest so." I know Einstein, that is the point of what I am saying, I am trying to change and help others to change - you don't read very carefully do you?

Finally, Wil Ohmsford, I'm not really sure what to say to you. If that is what you truly think you are an absolutely useless human being. Your inability to even consider what I say announces your ignorance to everyone. Enjoy your life, ignore these things, it is obvious nothing I say will change what you think. I don't really care, I never thought that I could affect everyone, there will always be people so ensconced in their blissful ignorance that they can't think of a meaningful response so they say stupid crap like that. I would leave, but instead I choose to take at least some measure of responsibility and try to influence others. It will make you happy to know that if I meet enough dumb mfers like you eventually I will give up on this country and leave.

Hope that cleared some stuff up. And to everyone out there who is so offended by what I said, understand I am not suggesting that Americans are intentionally doing all these things, but rather the natural development of our culture has led to these things. We must realize that we are UNINTENTIONALLY causing irreperable harm to ourselves and all other life on the planet. If you don't care about the future, fine, thats your choice, my post was intended for those who do. So if you're one of those who doesn't care about the future, go **** yourself for all I care and don't respond with useless comments telling me to shut up or die.

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America - 28/01/2003 07:56:27 PM 252 Views
Zzzz. *NM* - 28/01/2003 08:44:10 PM 9 Views
If... - 28/01/2003 08:52:50 PM 45 Views
Duuurrr - 28/01/2003 09:45:34 PM 42 Views
Well Put! *NM* - 28/01/2003 09:52:43 PM 7 Views
I have a way with rage... *NM* - 28/01/2003 09:54:03 PM 6 Views
sighs - 28/01/2003 09:11:33 PM 51 Views
I don't know... - 28/01/2003 09:34:24 PM 28 Views
What about the whole period - 28/01/2003 10:14:56 PM 21 Views
Touchee*NM* *NM* - 28/01/2003 10:37:38 PM 5 Views
Zzzz *NM* - 28/01/2003 09:13:36 PM 8 Views
I agree with you on all but... - 28/01/2003 09:30:44 PM 36 Views
WOW. - 28/01/2003 09:50:17 PM 30 Views
I understand.. - 28/01/2003 09:36:38 PM 31 Views
Well look who it is. Mr. Smither's little monkey. - 28/01/2003 10:12:21 PM 29 Views
What a cool guy, in that nail on the head sorta way. *NM* - 28/01/2003 10:43:51 PM 8 Views
I'm going to take that as a compliment. - 28/01/2003 10:58:05 PM 8 Views
*NM* - 29/01/2003 12:33:45 PM 2 Views
Re: America - 28/01/2003 10:33:12 PM 19 Views
I have a simple solution for you. - 28/01/2003 11:33:24 PM 34 Views
that's some nice supporting free speech *NM* - 29/01/2003 07:02:27 AM 4 Views
Re: America - 29/01/2003 01:38:22 AM 24 Views
Re: America - 29/01/2003 07:20:51 AM 18 Views
Re: America - 29/01/2003 12:42:16 PM 7 Views
Zzzz. *NM* - 29/01/2003 08:36:01 AM 3 Views
Remember - 29/01/2003 12:19:14 PM 12 Views
Re: Remember - 29/01/2003 12:46:14 PM 7 Views
Wow, I got the biggest reply, paragraph wise. - 29/01/2003 03:21:35 PM 12 Views
Re: Wow, I got the biggest reply, paragraph wise. - 29/01/2003 04:36:58 PM 10 Views
You seem to have your panties in a bunch. - 29/01/2003 08:22:45 PM 9 Views
Re: You seem to have your panties in a bunch. - 29/01/2003 08:37:56 PM 7 Views
You'll never get me to stop replying to your posts. - 29/01/2003 09:41:24 PM 8 Views
Re: You'll never get me to stop replying to your posts. - 30/01/2003 01:05:39 AM 8 Views
LOL! I never said your opinion was worthless. *NM* - 30/01/2003 04:13:57 PM 3 Views
Re: America - 29/01/2003 09:45:28 AM 8 Views
Re: America - 29/01/2003 12:47:46 PM 7 Views
You know ... sometimes you people make me sick. - 29/01/2003 11:21:28 AM 27 Views
thanks and well said *NM* - 29/01/2003 12:49:21 PM 4 Views
Well, *sigh* I have nothing hateful to say to you. - 29/01/2003 12:49:24 PM 18 Views
Re: Well, *sigh* I have nothing hateful to say to you. - 29/01/2003 12:54:32 PM 12 Views