Active Users:656 Time:12/03/2025 11:21:26 AM
what?!?! Literatedog - 28/01/2003 10:25:21 PM're a woman? wow! i thought you were a particularly forceful gay man. hehehe

and yea, i agree with your take on all this.

I admit to thinking women should not be treated as substandard. I admit to agreeing with our right to vote, our right to hold jobs, our right to be paid on the same scale as a man (as long as we are DOING the same thing as the man), our right to be equal

However, I get a knot in my britches over this bs from some women. Such as wanting the same pay, even if they are unable (physical strength) to preform the same task.

They want to be equal, yet they want alimony ( where'd that come from? ) aunt is a *shudder* feminist, and while I love her totally, I want to slap the sh*t out of her!

How can such a large group of people be so blind to their own hypocracy??????

If It Makes You Happy

Frankly, I don't know why anybody listens to actors about anything other than acting. Since when does the ability to fake emotions on cue like a sociopath make one an expert on anything?

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Am I *shudder* a "feminist"??? - 28/01/2003 10:17:06 PM 265 Views
Feminist?noooo,Femme Fatale maybe *NM* - 28/01/2003 10:19:47 PM 12 Views
agreed about the second part *NM* - 28/01/2003 10:34:32 PM 7 Views
*cleans catfish's glasses* - 28/01/2003 10:39:47 PM 19 Views
How did you know I wear glasses? *NM* - 29/01/2003 07:39:29 PM 4 Views
I'm a smart cookie *NM* - 29/01/2003 09:01:29 PM 5 Views
why not, i am - 28/01/2003 10:23:40 PM 32 Views
*nods* - 28/01/2003 10:40:47 PM 17 Views
what?!?! - 28/01/2003 10:25:21 PM 41 Views
Well, I was - 28/01/2003 10:27:21 PM 32 Views
um, good job they did.... - 28/01/2003 10:36:16 PM 18 Views
That's surprising? - 28/01/2003 10:42:41 PM 11 Views
oh kit darlin', i know you are - 28/01/2003 10:47:30 PM 13 Views
ROTFL - 28/01/2003 10:53:52 PM 11 Views
and how much fun would that've been? - 28/01/2003 10:59:26 PM 8 Views
Prolly not much - 28/01/2003 11:07:32 PM 7 Views
Feminist? No. - 28/01/2003 10:25:22 PM 35 Views
I have no idea what a question is - 28/01/2003 10:28:22 PM 24 Views
LOL - 28/01/2003 10:31:31 PM 17 Views
I hear postage to Oz is a killer - 28/01/2003 10:38:29 PM 15 Views
- 28/01/2003 10:42:11 PM 13 Views
Were you trying to mail you? - 28/01/2003 10:44:30 PM 10 Views
smoooooookin'! - 28/01/2003 10:50:01 PM 11 Views
forethought is a wonderful invention - 28/01/2003 11:03:28 PM 7 Views
Sure is. - 28/01/2003 10:43:51 PM 8 Views
Play the guilt card.......evil man - 28/01/2003 10:46:32 PM 9 Views
LOL - 28/01/2003 10:51:33 PM 6 Views
You are confusing me with you again - 28/01/2003 10:57:27 PM 6 Views
Nope - 28/01/2003 11:02:16 PM 7 Views
Heeeeeeeeeeeeey - 28/01/2003 11:05:30 PM 5 Views
- 28/01/2003 11:12:47 PM 7 Views
Hmmmmm - 28/01/2003 11:32:58 PM 7 Views
- 28/01/2003 11:38:58 PM 4 Views
psssst Trigger.... - 29/01/2003 12:14:14 AM 10 Views
Sweet - 29/01/2003 12:19:09 AM 8 Views
Re: Sweet - 29/01/2003 11:17:20 AM 5 Views
*cries* - 29/01/2003 11:37:06 AM 5 Views
*smirks* - 29/01/2003 01:40:56 PM 4 Views
*pouts* - 29/01/2003 11:16:28 AM 5 Views
Just like some of the people that have been posting lately. - 28/01/2003 10:36:38 PM 27 Views
Just proof, dear - 28/01/2003 10:49:08 PM 17 Views
I'm a feminist... - 28/01/2003 11:03:24 PM 36 Views
Kinda my point - 28/01/2003 11:12:29 PM 12 Views
All true Kit.. - 28/01/2003 11:04:29 PM 25 Views
ooooh, well put! - 28/01/2003 11:10:41 PM 11 Views
Thanks *NM* - 29/01/2003 01:12:18 AM 5 Views
That's the sad truth of it *NM* - 28/01/2003 11:19:37 PM 5 Views
you are a feminist - 29/01/2003 08:36:35 AM 14 Views
What are you? - 29/01/2003 10:08:18 AM 11 Views
Depends on who you ask - 29/01/2003 11:21:49 AM 7 Views
Naw - 29/01/2003 11:03:33 AM 6 Views
The more outspoken ones - 29/01/2003 11:22:39 AM 4 Views
the definition of Feminism: - 29/01/2003 12:17:45 PM 13 Views
Oh, I understand the definition - 29/01/2003 01:42:55 PM 6 Views
Some possible advice? - 30/01/2003 11:05:37 AM 6 Views