as sort of a "trying out" phase. I don't see the point of dating someone when you've already realized that you aren't compatible enough to live together forever. But then, I have rather skewed views on dating. All I want is a wife a few kids with some funny names, some dogs and cats with even funnier names and wait.. that's getting off topic isn't it.
i'm the same way about dating.... and i have the same goals, 'cept i want a husband (or, as i said earlier, to marry the man i've already got
hmmm, let's see... i've already got the dogs, cats, and man. i'm pretty well ahead of the game.
I guess you could say I'm a "marrier".. Don't tell my friends that, they'd probably kill themselves laughing.
If It Makes You Happy
Frankly, I don't know why anybody listens to actors about anything other than acting. Since when does the ability to fake emotions on cue like a sociopath make one an expert on anything?