Active Users:406 Time:08/09/2024 12:03:29 AM
I know this is a troll, but I thought I'd remind you Xoe - 28/01/2003 02:17:05 PM

That there are such things as emissions requirements. There are laws that say that vehicles can only produce a cetain amount of emissions.

SUV's fall under those laws. In fact, they have a lot more equipment on them to make sure that they emit proportionately less than a smaller engine would.

So, in reality, all those people who drive small cars are hurting the environment just as much since they don't have all the equipment to reduce emissions built in. They don't emit as much pollution as a big car, but they emit proportionately more.

So I think we can safely say that only some Americans are those who put up posts like this.

:: I am the speaker at the dawn of the age
:: and I stand at the door to the west.


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OFFICIAL: Why Americans Are Idiots Post! - 28/01/2003 01:09:45 PM 481 Views
I'm in a family of nine - 28/01/2003 01:13:54 PM 39 Views
Your Family is An Exception - 28/01/2003 01:23:43 PM 32 Views
I like SUV's - 28/01/2003 01:23:42 PM 56 Views
Figures... - 28/01/2003 01:26:21 PM 36 Views
LMAO - 28/01/2003 01:45:58 PM 31 Views
Re: LMAO - 28/01/2003 02:06:21 PM 26 Views
LOL - 28/01/2003 02:44:16 PM 21 Views
You...are a moron. - 28/01/2003 01:30:15 PM 89 Views
Well, Wulf ... - 28/01/2003 01:35:35 PM 53 Views
Your two points only prove my point... Americans are idiots. - 28/01/2003 01:41:40 PM 64 Views
You know ... - 28/01/2003 01:44:33 PM 50 Views
Re: Your two points only prove my point... Americans are idiots. - 28/01/2003 01:58:55 PM 55 Views
Thank you. - 28/01/2003 02:04:42 PM 38 Views
- 28/01/2003 04:57:44 PM 14 Views
Re: Your two points only prove my point... Americans are idiots. - 28/01/2003 02:02:01 PM 45 Views
Of course, all Americans are stupid... - 28/01/2003 01:56:59 PM 40 Views
it's called freedom of choice.... - 28/01/2003 02:05:59 PM 52 Views
Don't put words in my mouth - 28/01/2003 02:10:49 PM 42 Views
Simple. - 28/01/2003 02:14:22 PM 37 Views
Lets stay on topic. - 28/01/2003 02:17:56 PM 33 Views
What about my points? Too stuck on the last sentance? *NM* - 28/01/2003 02:25:36 PM 7 Views
Actually... - 28/01/2003 02:30:07 PM 36 Views
you have? - 28/01/2003 02:43:10 PM 35 Views
To some extent yes... - 28/01/2003 02:47:09 PM 29 Views
With freedom comes responsibility. - 28/01/2003 06:22:28 PM 14 Views
OFFICIAL: Americans Discover Farstrider's Head !! - 28/01/2003 02:07:20 PM 64 Views
Very very nice. - 28/01/2003 02:11:23 PM 36 Views
Doesn't compare. - 28/01/2003 02:14:41 PM 30 Views
Re: OFFICIAL: Americans Discover Farstrider's Head !! - 28/01/2003 02:12:52 PM 42 Views
*applauds* - 29/01/2003 04:49:34 AM 24 Views
Organic foods are bad for the environment? I didn't know that... *NM* - 28/01/2003 04:13:23 PM 10 Views
Oh Come On? Talk about selective reading.... - 28/01/2003 04:28:45 PM 30 Views
That reminds me of a bumper sticker I once read... - 31/01/2003 11:44:18 AM 4 Views
I know this is a troll, but I thought I'd remind you - 28/01/2003 02:17:05 PM 31 Views
The Emissions Law is Another Topic All Together - 28/01/2003 02:25:23 PM 24 Views
Circular argument. - 28/01/2003 02:25:19 PM 30 Views
Who better than somebody who knows first hand? - 28/01/2003 02:28:41 PM 25 Views
So living in Michigan makes you an expert? - 28/01/2003 02:58:21 PM 24 Views
BGOMF *NM* - 28/01/2003 03:08:12 PM 6 Views
ahem - 28/01/2003 02:36:26 PM 28 Views
Re: ahem - 28/01/2003 02:40:21 PM 22 Views
Ok. One question for you then... - 28/01/2003 02:38:37 PM 33 Views
Ok, my one answer for you then... - 28/01/2003 02:45:03 PM 28 Views
Well, see... - 28/01/2003 02:56:11 PM 27 Views
I think you're in an idiot for for posting this. - 28/01/2003 02:49:21 PM 36 Views
Where are you from? - 28/01/2003 02:58:48 PM 27 Views
Oh, darn it! - 28/01/2003 03:40:00 PM 31 Views
Re: Oh, darn it! - 28/01/2003 03:47:09 PM 21 Views
Well...okay... - 28/01/2003 03:57:05 PM 21 Views
There you go! *NM* - 28/01/2003 04:35:54 PM 8 Views
I agree SUV's are dumb...but some of your arguments are bad... - 28/01/2003 04:03:43 PM 19 Views
I'd have to cut my legs off at the knee to get into a minivan *NM* - 28/01/2003 08:59:30 PM 7 Views
yeah, probably don't have the need for one, either... - 31/01/2003 11:48:28 AM 3 Views
I want a Dodge Ram QuadCab... - 28/01/2003 04:36:01 PM 22 Views
It could be - 28/01/2003 05:16:10 PM 24 Views
I hate SUV's, however........ - 28/01/2003 06:59:03 PM 14 Views
46,000 killed by CAFE Standard & small cars- USA Today - 28/01/2003 07:18:43 PM 20 Views
It's the SUV drivers killing the small car drivers *NM* - 28/01/2003 07:30:42 PM 7 Views
Also Mom would be mad if she found out I didn't mention - 28/01/2003 07:24:40 PM 13 Views
AMERICANS ARE IDIOTS!!! - 28/01/2003 07:54:11 PM 15 Views
Nice stereotyping, there. - 28/01/2003 08:00:05 PM 12 Views
Mostly, I think you're an idiot. - 28/01/2003 08:45:55 PM 15 Views
you forget something - 28/01/2003 08:52:09 PM 15 Views
Wrong approach - 28/01/2003 08:59:24 PM 16 Views
~wipes a tear~ This makes me proud to be an American. *NM* - 28/01/2003 09:15:43 PM 7 Views
I to dont agree with you - 28/01/2003 09:50:43 PM 12 Views
Idiot. - 28/01/2003 10:01:38 PM 15 Views