Continue to exist... I had never thought of... It had never occured to... It simply slipped my...
Yes. A horrible thing. One must always be aware that unless we unleash fiery death and retribution upon them, people and things will exist.
You are earning your dough. We cannot allow these peaceful contries to continue to exist. They must be stopped.
Thank you sir for such fine compliments.
Thank you.
Welcome you are.
~considers a new FANNY 2004 post~
Now is the time - the Democratic field is starting to look crowded. You have to distinguish yourselves from those buttholes.
Keith (NOT BACK)
One always dies too soon-- or too late. And yet one's whole life is complete at that moment, with a line drawn neatly under it, ready for the summing up. You are-- your life, and nothing else. - Garcin, No Exit