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some somnambulatorious answers Literatedog - 28/01/2003 06:30:20 AM

1. Do you like to sleep?

sometimes, in the right situation

2. Do you prefer to sleep during the night or during the day?

i prefer at night, but i rarely works out that way

3. How many hours of sleep do you get, on average?

over the course of a day.... 4 or 5 hours

4. Do you remember your dreams when you wake up?

sometimes, only rarely do i clearly remember the entire thing

5. Have you ever suffered from insomnia?

yup, a lot

6. Has there ever been a time in your life when during the time between laying down in bed and falling off to sleep you dont like the images that come to mind?

yea, often

7. Have you ever prolonged going to sleep for fear of those images?

a few times

8. What is the worst nightmare you have ever had?

i'd rather not go into it, but it was mostly a memory of something that had happened to me

9. Do you snore? moan? sleepwalk? talk? in your sleep?

i don't think so

10. What side of the bed do you sleep on?


11. In which position do you sleep in?

on my stomach if i'm alone; if i'm not alone, sometimes spooning is a nice way to sleepy

12. Do you need an outside stimulus such as tv to fall asleep?

no, as a matter of fact, i like it cold, dark and very quiet

13. There is no 13.

lucky for you, 'cause i was gonna start making pervy answers with 13. le sigh.


If It Makes You Happy

Frankly, I don't know why anybody listens to actors about anything other than acting. Since when does the ability to fake emotions on cue like a sociopath make one an expert on anything?

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sleep - 27/01/2003 12:08:48 PM 163 Views
Perchance to dream - 27/01/2003 12:21:39 PM 12 Views
Chora needs to sleep... - 27/01/2003 12:23:06 PM 18 Views
Re: sleep - 27/01/2003 12:41:01 PM 8 Views
mmm, sleep... - 27/01/2003 12:42:15 PM 12 Views
Sleep is very good... - 27/01/2003 12:42:25 PM 7 Views
Ah....sleep...what I lack... - 27/01/2003 01:07:27 PM 8 Views
::yawns:: - 27/01/2003 01:08:12 PM 6 Views
Yes, an omelette sounds good. - 27/01/2003 01:09:26 PM 8 Views
*takes a nap after taking this* - 27/01/2003 01:09:28 PM 9 Views
Hate sleep. - 27/01/2003 01:16:09 PM 14 Views
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come? - 27/01/2003 02:13:11 PM 4 Views
I love sleeping - 27/01/2003 02:13:38 PM 7 Views
ah, sleep - 27/01/2003 02:32:35 PM 5 Views
Re: sleep - 27/01/2003 03:14:04 PM 5 Views
Need. More. Sleep - 27/01/2003 03:17:10 PM 6 Views
Re: sleep - 27/01/2003 03:18:35 PM 6 Views
I hate needing to sleep. - 27/01/2003 04:42:38 PM 8 Views
Re: sleep - 27/01/2003 05:10:00 PM 4 Views
Mmmmm....sleeeep. - 27/01/2003 05:35:51 PM 3 Views
Re: sleep - 27/01/2003 06:42:41 PM 1 Views
Re: sleep - 27/01/2003 06:53:05 PM 1 Views
The System Is Down. - 27/01/2003 07:14:19 PM 9 Views
I don't see what techno has to do with this *NM* - 28/01/2003 12:53:22 AM 3 Views
Re: sleep - 27/01/2003 08:02:23 PM 5 Views
Bordom induced survey urge... - 27/01/2003 10:37:14 PM 3 Views
Re: sleep - 27/01/2003 10:37:23 PM 7 Views
Re: sleep - 28/01/2003 12:22:06 AM 5 Views
Re: sleep - 28/01/2003 04:07:36 AM 2 Views
Re: sleep - 28/01/2003 05:52:35 AM 3 Views
sheep - 28/01/2003 06:06:22 AM 3 Views
some somnambulatorious answers - 28/01/2003 06:30:20 AM 10 Views