In keeping with the subject (kinda, plus I'm in a wierd mood)... ladies, who would like a little farmboy in you?
I wouldn't, don't want to have a baby (yet)
Now on another topic of a completely non-sexual... topic...ness (and not only for the ladies), what's you favourite colour?
What's your favourite food?
pizza, i think
How tall are you?
How heavy (of course this is only approximate, ladies ) are you?
52kilos I think
How old?
What's your preference (regarding eye colour)... brown, green, blue, or grey?
very dark brown or blue
What colour are your eyes?
That's all I can think of right now... I suppose you're all glad of that, though...
it's a bit short, weird questions though...
Member of the Professional Lurkers Society
Bonded to Eyeless Myrddraal
proud member of WASPT
Queen of B&P
Remembering Kory
Thinking of Aimee