I was reading an article recently (like I'd remember where? pfft) and they were mentioning that tv execs are trying to come up with shows that don't portray the father-figure as a blithering idiot who can't tie his own shoes let alone run a household. Personally, I think its time we had shows like that. *shrugs*
Hmm...that would be a pretty good idea. It would also, perhaps (WARNING: POSSIBLY ANNOYING PERSONAL OPINION) lend some stability to homes--if a kid sees a father on a sitcom that doesn't know jack, and whose children run circles around him, he's more likely to view his own father with disrespect, thereby leading to a rather uncomfortable home life. Ugh, I can't believe I just made that argument, so relative to the "violence on tv causes violence in kids" argument. Oh well, I'm getting sick, and therefore not legally responsible for anything I say.
Stories grow from everywhere, they’re like some hideous alien moss that can just sprout up.
--Joss Whedon