1. Do you like to sleep?
Yes. As well as being regenerative, it produces dreams. I think dreams are just great. It's like I story that I get to live through. Even the bad ones have merit with me.
2. Do you prefer to sleep during the night or during the day?
During the night, I think. That's when I get my best sleep. Shame that I tend to also want to be awake during the night.
3. How many hours of sleep do you get, on average?
Probably around 6. When I can, I sleep for 10 or 11 hours no problem once I finally fall asleep. If I have something to wake up for though, my troubles falling asleep bite me in the rear.
4. Do you remember your dreams when you wake up?
Not very often. It's a real shame, because I like dreams so much.
5. Have you ever suffered from insomnia?
I don't know where the technical line is, but I think I've crossed it once or twice.
6. Has there ever been a time in your life when during the time between laying down in bed and falling off to sleep you dont like the images that come to mind?
Yes. Once or twice.
7. Have you ever prolonged going to sleep for fear of those images?
Young kid + Friday the 13th Part 6 = He's on the top bunk, isn't he! He's just waiting for me to make a move! Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!
8. What is the worst nightmare you have ever had?
I'd rather not go there.
9. Do you snore? moan? sleepwalk? talk? in your sleep?
Nah. I'm a pretty sound sleeper.
10. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
Preferably the side against the wall, if that's an option. If not, then the right side. It has to do with having the lay of the land in front of me, not behind.
It's not incredibly important to me though.
11. In which position do you sleep in?
On my stomach, or side, one arm under the pillow and the other on top.
12. Do you need an outside stimulus such as tv to fall asleep?
Nah. I used to, but I quit due to inconvenience.
13. There is no 13.
------Obsidian Asha'man
Proud Warder to BucketBaby
* Totally *
- Teach them all their lesson
- - - Ninjas will always win
- Your work is a ninja's play
*Wails* Here to stay
An Hava Rocks - hard!!