1) Jordan has grown tired of WoT and won't write more unless he gets a lot more money.
2) Jordan has died and gone to nangijala.
Both these amount to the same thing. No books written. However...
there ahs been talk in chat of the two options that were used in the last book.
1) 12 monkeys with typewriters and harriet editing.
2) a precoded computer program with some standard phrases (sniff) and a way to monitor wot discussion on the web.
the first option is quite alright. it's jsut a matter of the monkeys putting enough effort into it and hitting enough keys. takes a while though, book should be out in 2-3 years.
the second option is more interesting. it's jsut a matter of what kind of filters the program has. good filters, to separate idiot posts from decent ones, will take a bit longer, but on the other hand it assures no intelligent wot story. let's say 6 months to get enough morons to post enough theories to copy. then the computer program will spark into a dress description each time aviendha's name is mentioned. so, another 2 weeks to print all those descriptions. then we're pretty much done, and the publisher will publish it in a year.
Hehehe Are you sure it's not the way CoT was created?
Well. that's my thoughts on the matter anyway.