Genesis starts out "Breshiith bara Elohim eth ha-shamayim w'eth ha-arets, w'ha-arets haytha thohu wa vohu, w'choshekh al-penei thehom w'ruach Elohim m'rachepheth al-penei ha-mayim, wa'yomer Elohim 'yehi or' wa'yehi or". That is Genesis 1:1-3 in the original Hebrew. "El Elohim" is NOT used.
Moreoever, in Exodus 3:14, God states his name and Moses relates it to Pharaoh as "Yahweh".
This post was not about what one is supposed to call God. It is about the linguistic origin of the name "Yahweh", following up on a linguistic discussion about the origin of the name "Moses" (which Mierin Sedai posted a little while before this post). Although I appreciate your opinion on the matter, it isn't QUITE on-topic for the discussion.
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Oh, I don't have time for this. I have to go and buy a single piece of fruit with a coupon and then return it, making people wait behind me while I complain. - Prof. Farnsworth
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