the first time I heard a welsh person speak I couldn't help laugh. VERY few Norwegians speak English with such a clear accent, but it really sounded as if they were speaking Norwegian with English words.
lol. probably a good idea. let me know where that person is from, will you?
will do...
nope. it just is not pronounced. same goes for er, we just say e (mind, that is a Norwegian e, not an English one). We basically never pronounce the last r in a verb, and in most nouns the er is changed to an a at the end. It is fearfully fascinating if you are into that kind of thing.
Interesting how there is subconsious differentiation between verbs and nouns.....
I suppose rationality does fail here, but another thing I thought up was, if the 'j' is completely obliterated in 'jeg' to leave a pure vowel sound, is it removed in other words beginning in j?, jeger for example..
I have a strange obsession with dialects...possibly because all my spoken german has been with people with a bavarian dialect, which is horrible for others to understand... it has its own written comics and the occasional book...
Its quite entertaining to try and transcribe some of the verb conjugations and things...
another interesting tidbit is that on the coast of Norway, they have a similar pronounciation as the North of England/Scotland.
Fish in Norwegian is pronounced "fisk" almost everywhere, but not on certain parts of the coast, where the i has become an e (norwegian e, again). Same goes for (is it scotland or Northern England?), where they pronounce it as fesh. There are many more things like that. For instance, we have a sound just in my aerea which is only copied in Wales, the Feroe Islands and Iceland, I think. I cannot describe it
definitely scotland, but i think parts of northern england also..
rationality fails the norwegian dialects, I am afraid
there are too many dialects in Norway to give each a name. Ever little town or even village has its own. It is usually referred to as Molde-dialekt, but that is just to show where I come from. You could also call it "Romsdals-dialekt", but that also involves other dialekts with minor differences.
That many dialects is quite a scary thought.....
Molde = _Rosenes By_ i think? is that right??