i have no interest in dating someone just to date. if its not apparent fairly early that its eventually going somewhere very serious, then i don't see any point in continuing to date them.
I know. You know, chances are the longer you date, the more attached you get, the more you give, and if you don't -really- care about the person it's more out of obligation than care, and it just makes things harder to let go in the end.... I like avoiding pain. *nods* Pain is mostly good thing to avoid, when possible.
now, i'm not really a "marrier" since its not legal for me to marry my love. but, i would marry peter if i could.
Yeah, that does make the classification a little difficult, but I know perfectly well what ya mean.
Catriona, Countess of Options
Still searching for that one great love...
Eternal Wotmaniad Fangirl
But now you're cooler than Mr. T. - OA
For Kory and Joe: